How I Destroyed My Bedding (and what I bought to replace it!)

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m no Martha Stewart. I’m not even close. I burn popcorn in the microwave, I leave my clothes in the dryer for days, I always forget about the pasta boiling on the stove, and my mom still has to remind me to take my vitamins. Yesterday, I hit a new low- I ruined my bedspread in the washing machine.

Earlier in the day I noticed that my pristine white comforter wasn’t so white anymore. I poured some laundry detergent in the washing machine, stuffed the comforter inside, closed the lid, and turned it on. About an hour later I returned to take my comforter out of the washer. I looked inside and not only was my comforter still covered in soap, part of it had gotten caught on something and ripped. Upon further inspection, it also had burn marks in several places. Doing what any young, 20-something would do, I called my mom. Apparently, it’s hard to fit feather-filled comforters in a standard sized washer. Good one, Liz.

I went to Marshall’s that afternoon to pick up a new comforter and I find a really cute one! It was on sale for $49.99! The designer is Cynthia Rowley. I absolutely love the coral and aqua blue colors that were chosen. It absolutely lights up my room and gives it more color.



My walls are white, and while I love the look of cleanliness white creates, sometimes things get white-washed. I wanted to avoid that when choosing a new comforter. I think it turned out well!



Something else I avoid in a bedroom is having a boring nightstand! I don’t want it to be cluttered but I like to stack coffee table books and a decorative piece or two for some visual interest. Tell me what’s inspiring you in your bedroom with a comment below!


Kitty Reactions to Snow

As most of you know, the north east is covered in snow and there doesn’t seem to be any possibility of it melting. I live in Maryland, and while it isn’t considered to be part of the ‘north’, it can easily be said that we’ve had our fair share of snow. Besides being stuck in the house all the time and becoming well acquainted with our snow shovels, there are few nice things we can associate with the cold, white stuff.

cats_in_the_snowConsider this, is there anything cuter than seeing our pets’ reactions to snow? I can’t think of anything more adorable! My three little kitties all have their own opinions on it. Puddin’ (the big, orange tomcat) really enjoys hiding behind snow piles and watching the birds get a tasty morsel from the bird feeder. After a few minutes he’ll shake his bum and then lunge at the birds. He’s never caught one, which I’m glad about. He loves being outside with us when we’re shoveling snow. He tries so hard to ‘help’ but just can’t quite pick up a shovel.

Little Hootie will go outside for a few minutes and very carefully step in people’s shoe tracks in the snow so he doesn’t get his paws too wet. He’s very particular about his feet getting wet. After a few minutes outside he’ll come back in and head straight to the humidifier to watch it bubble. He tries to catch the bubbles that come up but just can’t quite get them in time. We tell him that the humidifier is run by the evil ‘red dot’ he can’t catch. I don’t he think he understood.


My sweet, little Tanzie just doesn’t do the snow. She will go out and sit on the step for a few minutes and then decides she’s over it and comes back inside. The other day it was so chilly that she jumped into the linen closet and sat amongst the sheets to warm up.


I adore my little fur balls! I think God gave us animals not only for our enjoyment, but for our therapeutic needs. Sometimes just petting my kitty or watching him play is all it takes to boost my mood. Watching their reactions to snow is an adorable aspect of being apart of their little lives. Be sure to leave a comment about your pets’ reactions to the snow!


Delivery for Miss Liz

da_vinci_charm_braceletHello sweet friends! I hope your Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day was lovely. Mine certainly was. I gave my wonderful mom a nautical themed charm bracelet that she was surprised by! The small beads were blue rhinestones and the 4 bigger charms were a sail boat, sea horse, beach chair, and heart. She gave me a bag full of cooking goodies I’ll be needing for whenever I move out and get my own place! She’s always thinking ahead and encouraging me that someday (hopefully soon) I’ll have my first job. There were also a few chocolate things in my surprise bag, most of which I’ve already devoured!

The biggest surprise of all was the dozen roses that were sent to me by someone very special to me. I was at work when they were delivered, but when I got home there was a note on the box and gorgeous magenta, yellow, and white roses inside! Nothing brings a smile to my face and energy to the air like flowers in the house! They roses are currently sitting on my vanity in a gold vase by my mirror.

I’m such a girly-girl when it comes to things like this. These little gestures and sweet things mean the world to me! Apparently, they mean just as much to my kitty-cat, Puddin’. Once I got the flowers out of their comfy bed in the box, my cat jumped right in, sat down, and made himself a little hiding place. It was a lovely Valentine’s Day for all!


Simple Gingerbread Cookies

gingerbread_cookie_recipeWell friends, a miraculous thing happened the other day- I baked cookies from scratch AND they didn’t burn. Gingerbread cookies always seemed like a difficult thing to make but aside from a few technical terms I had to Google, they were fairly simple.

I started out simply wanting to try my hand at making something tasty and sugary for Christmas. When I couldn’t find the pre-made Pillsbury gingerbread dough, I had to improvise by making the dough myself. Betty Crocker poked her way into my derp_facepersonality for a few hours and I was a baking wizard in my mom’s kitchen. Who knew such things were possible?

As it turns out, I’m not all that bad when it comes to baking. The gingerbread cookies came out warm and soft without a single burnt edge. Even my mom was proud of my new-found abilities! She actually enjoyed this baking endeavor of mine! If I had all the time in the world and a limitless grocery budget, I might actually do a little more in the kitchen.

Here’s the amazing recipe I used that got good reviews from tons of people! It really was tasty!




#Hustle to Have It All

One of my best friends posted the funniest thing to my Facebook wall yesterday. I literally think most girls can relate to this struggle that seems never ending:


It’s true isn’t it? The Kate Spade handbag is a favorite of mine but way too expensive. I could eat cookies all day, but then I couldn’t wear skinny jeans anymore. And every boy I ever liked takes forever to text back. I’m sitting here asking myself why life is like that? I think it might be because no matter what, we always want what we can’t have.

I could go on and on about the things I don’t have (or can’t have) that I want, but I think you all immediately understood what I was saying. It painfully resonates in all of us. Yesterday, I went to get coffee at Starbucks with two good friends and in the long line of waiting people was this gorgeous girl who had the expensive things I wanted, could probably eat whatever she wanted and stay skinny, and judging by the huge diamond on her finger, the guy she wanted DID text her back. In my pangs of jealousy, I came to the realization that there is no reason why I can’t have the same things. I started to admire the girl. She went after what she wanted and got it.

I made a little pre-New Year’s Resolution for myself. I’m going to work hard to have the pretty things I can’t afford, sweat more to eat the tasty things I love and still keep my figure, and am going to go for the guys that seem out of reach. There’s no point in living if we can’t live the way we want.
