A Date in Williamsburg

Hello lovelies! I’ve been so busy lately and traveling a lot. Last week, I went to Colonial Williamsburg with someone special (winky face)! It was a long, hot day of walking around and sight seeing. I didn’t even bother to wear any makeup beyond mascara and a little concealer to take the look of death away from my under-eye circles.


We started the day by checking out the little shops and boutiques in downtown Williamsburg. I adore local cheese shops and gourmet grocers. There’s just something so exciting about exploring the food selection of another town. It’s the classic case of the “grass is always greener”. After trying local yummies, we went in a little store called Ocean Palms. To my surprise, it was a Lilly Pulitzer store! I ended up finding a skirt I wanted half off. I can’t wait to do a post on it, you will fall in love!

After this, we went down the Duke of Gloucester street, taking in the pretty little buildings and reading up on historical happenings. We even got ourselves in a few mock stalks for a picture. As I said, it was very hot and we went through water like crazy. To keep cool, we ducked into little colonial shops and explored the period items they had for sale. I found some lavender soap that smelled divine. I had to stop myself from buying it though, bars of soap just make my skin itchy!

For a short break from the heat, we went to some shopping outlets and I found a Ralph Lauren shirt for half off and my beau bought me J Crew shorts! After our shopping, we went back to downtown Williamsburg and had dinner in a really nice restaurant called Shields Tavern. Everything from the food to the waiters were themed around the time of the Revolutionary War.

Our final adventure before going home was a ghost tour of Colonial Williamsburg. Spooks and Legends did our tour and it was really incredible! The tour started at 9pm with a tour guide dressed in colonial clothing. Each location we stopped at had it’s own ghost stories and freaky haunts. It honestly gave me goose bumps at times. The tour lasted an hour or so and I took pictures hoping to see something in one of the windows. No such luck.


By the time we got home we were both exhausted. We had many laughs and cute moments, but I think we were both thrilled to crash and go to sleep. Long days require long rests. I’m still recovering.


How the (South) West Was Fun

Hello lovelies! I’ve been on vacation for the last week and took a break from writing. I must say that I missed it and am glad to be back feeling refreshed and renewed. I was in San Antonio, Texas visiting relatives and a few friends while also taking in a bit of what the area had to offer. It was a really fun visit with lots of memories made and laughs shared.

I have a personal connection to the area as well. My dad and his brother and sisters spent a great deal of their growing up time at an Air Force base in San Antonio. I hadn’t been to Texas before, so getting to see a few of the places my dad and his family used to frequent was really nice. Experiencing the insane Texas heat (and humidity) was also quite a shocker. You’ll notice my hair is up in quite a few pictures. It was just too hot to wear it down and keeping it styled was just not happening. Scroll through the pictures below to see what I did!

More on my time in San Antonio to come tomorrow! I’ll be doing a little haul of the things I bought at the San Marcos outlets including a new Kate Spade bag perfect for any young professional lady!
