Pretty Apartment Essentials

Happy Friday lovely girls! Only one more week until I make my big move to Dallas and I’m getting so excited! Having inventoried all of the stuff I have (really just a bunch of clutter and things I don’t need) I made a little list of things that are on my “to buy” list. That “little list” keeps growing though. The sheer amount of things that a girl can accumulate in the name of it being cute is quite surprising!

chic apartments

Number one on my list is a gray or cream-colored tufted headboard. I can’t stand my bed just up against a wall with nothing to pull it together so to speak. A bed should be a space you go to relax and sleep. Frankly, if it isn’t orderly and somewhat dream-like, then sleep simply doesn’t come easily to me. Not sure if that makes me high-maintenance or not but I’m betting that’s what a few people are thinking. What can I say though, I like a pretty space!

The second thing on my list is a great standing mixer! My mom has a white Kitchen Aid mixer and it’s so useful. I’m not much help in the kitchen, but I do like to bake! Funny story though, I have the tendency to forget if I’m baking something and simply let it burn until I remember. I’ve done this with place and bake cookies quite often!

Finally, I’m hoping to get a great, high quality frame for a photo of my boyfriend David and I. Having pictures of family and friends around the house makes a space so much more personal. I found this Kate Spade one at Dillard’s a few weeks ago and have been admiring it ever since.

Comment below with your apartment wish list! 

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Gift Guide for Her First Apartment

Gift Guide for Her First Apartment

One of my favorite things to do during this time of the year is go Christmas shopping for friends and family. I always have quite a few people on my list and it seems to grow every December. Last year, I gave several of my friends cookie mix in mason jars with baking instructions. This time, I’m going to make it a little more personal.

Similar to a post I did earlier, I’m focusing on a specific kind of person to shop for. Today, we’re talking about a friend who just moved into her first apartment. Other than a few things left over from college, you have nothing for a new place. The apartment might seem like the most expensive thing you’ll be paying for, but nothing compares to the over all expense of furnishing it! Here are a few things in a variety of price ranges to get for the first-time renter.

  1. Serving tray- In college you served appetizers on Dixie plates not serving trays. It’s time to upgrade!
  2. Cookie Jar- Not only is it functional but it serves as an adorable decorative piece to your kitchen counter top.
  3. Kitchen Aid mixer- For the extreme baker that lives to try out Pinterest recipes.
  4. Decorative porch lights- Many apartments have balconies or porches that are left completely barren of decoration. Porch lights are the perfect way to add a little personality to these forgotten spaces.
  5. Marquis sign- A favorite decorative piece of mine! You can find them in small and large sizes with a variety of words to choose from.
  6. Area rug- Even when I have carpet I like to add an area rug for color. Most of the time apartments have beige walls and carpet, which serves as a great blank canvas to make your own!
  7. Steak knives- We all need them for the kitchen but we won’t shell out the money for a good set. The recipient of this Christmas gift will appreciate the practicality of it.
  8. Matching set of plates- Again, practical but you’d be amazed at how many people I know who’ve had their own places for years and don’t have matching dinnerware. You can find an inexpensive set at Target and it’ll make a great gift.
  9. Soap dispenser- I’m putting my foot down to the plastic Dial soap dispensers. Invest in a decorative one for your friend’s new place, they’ll thank you for it.
  10. End table- A necessary piece of furniture that costs a relatively small amount. My favorite place to find these at is Home Goods. They have a great variety for good prices.
  11. Throw pillows- This is a luxury that I rarely indulge in but makes a great gift for someone else! Marshall’s usually has an aisle devoted to pillows that will surely have something that suits your friend’s taste.

Leave a comment if you’ve recently moved with items you’d appreciate being given for Christmas! I love hearing from you!

witty n pretty


Moving In: The Struggle is Real

ralph_lauren_polo_hat Good morning lovelies! I’ve had a very busy week and weekend so I thought I’d update you on what’s been happening in the life a lá Liz! I realize I haven’t been blogging quite as much as I’ve wanted to and I certainly haven’t forgotten you guys. I love writing for you and to you. I’m inspired by your comments and stories.

Lately, I’ve been buying things for my apartment and unpacking more suitcases and boxes trying turn this apartment into a home. It’s a long process of getting everything just the way I want it, especially when you’re on a recent college grad budget. I’m proud of myself though, I’ve been learning to budget better and save money. There’s a lot of little expenses that I’m surprised to learn about though. For example, I went to Verizon to look into getting my own plan and they told me the cost monthly would be $40 for the data package I want. I asked what the other monthly fees would be and once they added it all up it was around $80. Big difference. Most of the fees were incredibly stupid and clearly designed to sound important when really all they’re going towards is some CEO’s paycheck.

Anyway, being out on my own is an exciting new adventure for me. Work is going well and I’m enjoying what I do. Working from home is really nice! I love being able to get up and sign into our web platform in my pjs while sipping coffee and listening to Jack Johnson. I’m spoiled, I know.

american_heritage_girlsLast week was all about adjusting to a routine and getting myself together. This week I have a bit more on my plate. Hopefully, I’ll get to spend time with my sister and hear about her trip to Harper’s Ferry, WV. She and her American Heritage Girls troop went on a canoeing trip Friday and should be back tomorrow. I’m sure someone flipped their canoe or nearly drowned. Always some shenanigans going down with these girls. In the photo is my sister on the right and then her friends Faith, Grace, and Allie. These girls are hilarious together. I’m so glad my sister has such a good group of friends.

I’m going to go get ready for my day now! Enjoy your Sunday!
