Bloggers Gonna Blog

Bloggers Gonna Blog

Monday mornings are good for two things: Catching up on favorite blogs and drinking copious amounts of coffee. I’ve perfected the art of both. I have more coffee mugs than Lorelai Gilmore and follow too many blogs. The funny thing about blogging, especially fashion/lifestyle blogging, is how superficial it can be. Little fashion blogs like mine and yours aren’t usually guilty of this; but big-name blogs have a running track record of it. This brings me to the 8 biggest lies top fashion bloggers tell their readers.

  1. Life is a never-ending latte: Β In every single Instagram photo, in every pretty picture of their desk, and almost every snapshot of their “candid” strolls through a park, fashion bloggers always have coffee. And it must be carried in either a Starbucks cup (#littlegreenstraw) or a Kate Spade travel mug. Take your pick.
  2. We wake up with lipstick on: I’ve seen countless blog posts about “morning routines” and how fashion bloggers put their makeup on. The kicker is that no one wakes up with makeup on and if they do, their skin must really hate them because chances are it was a rough one the night before.
  3. Trips to the market are a must: Saturday mornings are meant for picking up fresh fruits and veggies at the farmer’s market and then arranging them in a chic little bowl on the (marble) kitchen counter at home. Obviously. The majority of us run to the grocery store for our food needs. However, fashion bloggers shop in more stylish, organic places.
  4. Brunch is a way of life: If they aren’t hosting a dinner party, they’re meeting a “blogging bestie” for a brunch full of fresh fruit and mimosas. The brunch is spent hashtagging and cropping the perfect Instagram photo of their drinks and yummy food. Excuse me while I go back to my Cinnamon Toast Crunch and orange juice.
  5. Pretty cars come with the territory: Because it’s totally normal to be 25 and driving a Mercedes Benz. Except it’s not. I’d take one if it were given to me, but at 22 years young, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
  6. The bag makes the woman: Prada is a necessity and red-bottomed shoes come with the territory. And they’ll link both below the photos they post on their blog so they can make sure to get the commission from Nordstrom in case you decide to buy anything.
  7. Jet-setting is a weekend thing: A little trip to Bermuda one weekend and then exploring NYC the next is part of the fashion blogger’s life. Either said fashion blogger pay for it themselves or there’s an event that the blogger is invited to that includes an all-expense paid trip. Hopping from vacation to vacation is just a part of life.
  8. We love to team-up: I’ve seen the phrase “I teamed up with so and so…” far too many times and know that it’s code for “I’m being paid to feature this product on my blog.” Everyone needs a paycheck, but it makes you wonder if they really like the product or not.

What do you think of the fashion blogging world? Leave me a comment!


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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

16 thoughts on “Bloggers Gonna Blog”

  1. This is such a great post! Way to call out these types of bloggers! Often when I’m looking through these picture perfect blogs I just think to myself… “how is everything soooo beautiful?!? And who is taking all these pictures?!?” haha


    1. Thanks Chelsea! I felt like it was something everyone thought but no one would say lol! I think some of it is just practice and expertise and then part of it is just being able to pay someone to make you look good haha

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this! To begin with it was nice thinking that people actually lived these perfect lives but now it just annoys me because it’s giving their young and impressionable following a false expectation of what’s it’s like to make a name for yourself.


  3. OMG. What a GREAT post. Listen to this old lady–at 60, I’ve NEVER woken up looking like an airbrushed, photoshopped supermodel. EVER! I’m more like Amy Shumer’s Trainwrecked character! For many years my “car” of choice was the last car on the Number 1, IRT, NYC subway line. Now it’s a Rav4. My bags? No Louie for me, unfortunately. I was too busy spending the money on my kids when they were young. My “designer” bag of choice–Nat & Nin–I get them in France and nobody here has them. I’m exclusive! (…besides, the bags are a lot LESS than Hermes and Louie)…but you left out a Number 9–The fashion blog POSES! Yes. The poses. They are almost always in these convoluted poses that can only be achieved through years of Yoga. OMG. I LOVED your post from today!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You aren’t old Catherine! Just a spring chicken!! I’ve never heard of nat and nin! I’ll check it out!
      So true! The poses crack me up!! I love it!!


  4. Haha this is too true. I totally agree with most of these, but I have to admit I am a sucker for brunch and the farmers market…though I promise I bust out the Cinnamon Toast Crunch on a weekly basis too πŸ™‚

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  5. This is the most accurate description I’ve ever read! I’m blogging about looking good on a budget while everyone owns Louboutins, a LV bag, vintage Hermes, and Gucci sunglasses while driving a pink Ferrari πŸ˜‚ like, how did I miss out on the introduction to this part of life?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh girl yes!! I hear you! I think the hardest part about competing with bloggers like that is being able to afford to! A lot (not all) of them were either born into money, married it, or chose a profession that does well straight out of college. I definitely follow a few that simply married young and chose a spouse that made bank so they could shop and blog about their “steals” on $600 shoes at Nordstrom lol I’m jealous not gonna lie

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