First Day of Autumn

fall flowers

Yesterday was the first day of Autumn and I completely forgot! What kind of fall fan am I? Clearly not a good one! I woke up to my Facebook and Instagram feeds full of pumpkins and “happy fall” messages. To celebrate the beautiful day, my mom and I went to our local Amish market and farm to get a few pumpkins, chrysanthemums, indian corn, and corn stalks.

indian corn

Every year since I can remember my mom would always decorate the inside and the outside of our house with beautiful fall decorations. It made our home so cozy and inviting! The way she would perfectly place the pumpkins on the front steps and the cinnamon potpourri that would be burning on the stove when you’d walk in the house. Memories and traditions like these are what build a lifetime of happiness. We carried on the tradition today!

first day autumn

The best part about living in the area I do is that we have a large Amish community. Their farms are so beautiful and typically, they’re pretty nice people. My mom and I picked out a bunch of gourds to put in a wooden bowl on the dining room table. They’re so colorful and add a little something to the room!

amish farms

We usually get a few mums for the front steps too. This year we chose burgundy and yellow to grace our home. Half way through the month of October they’ll either die because we forgot to water them or our cat Puddin’ has decided to sit on them. Here’s hoping they make it a little longer this year!

decorating fall

As per usual, I did my decorating and pumpkin-picking in style. I’m wearing a striped Old Navy dress from last season. Similar one here. My necklace is from Erica Lyons and my shoes are Clarks Bostonian. I absolutely love this dress because it’s so versatile. I’ve worn it for the office and just for a casual day like this. It’s kind of become a staple piece for me!

preppy fall style

blue statement jewelry

I couldn’t leave the farm and produce stand without taking a picture of these incredible peaches! Aren’t they beautiful?

peaches in basket

What are your favorite fall traditions? Leave me a comment!

witty n pretty

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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

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