Here’s to the New Bloggers

how to become a successful blogger

I have some really exciting news to share with you guys! Since I started my blogging journey, the whole experience has been a series of ups and downs and wondering when success will start knocking on my door. I read countless articles from other bloggers talking about what led to their success and what I needed to do differently. Years later, I’ve come to figure out that each blogger has their own journey, including you.

Being a Dallas fashion blogger means I have more competition than I could ever dream of and very little space to fit in. My little corner of the Internet is my favorite place to be and something that still inspires me everyday! However, I understand what it’s like when you feel frustrated and no one is giving you answers or any help whatsoever. With the moderate success I’ve seen, I’d like to share my knowledge with new bloggers who are stuck, need advice, or simply would like someone to look over their content and social media profiles. In an effort to help other bloggers like myself, I’m offering up my expertise with some free consulting for new bloggers! That’s right- free!

Blogging involves collaboration, partnership, and often enough- mentorship. If you’re new to the whole fashion or lifestyle blogging scene, then I’d love to help you. You can drop me a line on my new consulting page (here.) I look forward to chatting and helping you grow!

dallas fashion blogger

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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

11 thoughts on “Here’s to the New Bloggers”

  1. What a fabulous venture and also so helpful to new bloggers. I started blogging in Vancouver 2 years ago and still get very little blog traffic but I love blogging and it has helped enormously with my self-confidence. Love that you’re providing this service to new bloggers. Seems like you’re doing great at standing out in the Dallas blogging community 🙂



    1. Aww thanks, Ellie! Your comment made my day! I still struggle with traffic but the friends I’ve made because of blogging make it all worth it!


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