Dorm Room Necessities


Happy Monday beautiful girls! I hope your weekend was lots of fun and filled with great Instagram-worthy pictures. How basic am I? Given that I ate macarons, went to brunch, and then took a stroll through Whole Foods over the weekend, I’d say I’m pretty basic! At least I’ll admit to it right?

Since it’s almost back to school season and so many lovely ladies are headed to college this fall, I wanted to focus a blog post on dorm room style. Thanks to Pinterest, the dorm rooms our parents might have had are being made so much more stylish with fun, inexpensive decor. When I was shopping for my first year of college, I headed straight to Target and took advantage of their college geared collection called Room Essentials. My dorm room was so cute that year! Take a look below!

diy dorm room

Since I graduated college recently, I’m going to impart some of my dorm room function wisdom on you! First, don’t spend a fortune on bedding or towels. Living in a dorm simply isn’t compatible with luxury, fluffy linens. You will spill coffee and mac n cheese on everything and regret it when it won’t come out of your bedspread. Second, bring something that makes noise like a fan. I can’t stand hearing doors slam and thudding footsteps going down the hallways at all hours of the night. You’ll thank me for this tip later. Finally, get a wall calendar! I like to keep my schedule on my phone and in a planner of some sort. Plus, it can be helpful when coordinating schedules with your roommate!

Style and function go hand in hand when you’re living in confined quarters. Target dorm room stuff always seems to cater to both of those things. Before going out and buying new things though, check out the layout of your dorm room online to see how much room you will have. I was surprised at how big my room was compared to what I was expecting! 



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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

22 thoughts on “Dorm Room Necessities”

  1. “bring something that makes noise like a fan” That’s a great tip as I do this at my own home now. I am going back to school to start my MBA next month and will stay at the Uni Hall. I will certainly look for a small bluetooth player or something…


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