Blogging and SEO Secrets You’re Going to Love!

Blogging, social media, and SEO changes all the time and it drives fashion bloggers like me crazy! Between coming up with blog topics, taking pictures, writing a blog and then promoting it, I don’t have time to always be worrying about a new Google algorithm coming out. Anyone else feel this way?! Today, I wanted to share with you a few SEO and blogging tips to help you out!

Add Details to Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are becoming as important to your account as your regular Instagram posts. Seriously. I am by no means an Instagram story pro, but I do know that there are some pretty neat features we can utilize to make our stories even better. For example, a new feature includes being able to tag your location and even share the weather. For brands with more than 10k followers, you can also add a “learn more” option to put a link within your Instagram story. This is definitely helpful when trying to promote blogs!

Instagram Pods are No Good

It’s true and my heart is breaking. How can something so wonderful and helpful for bloggers be bad for your SEO and blog? Long story short, brands and other followers are catching on to this trick. When you have loads of comments and likes but no conversions either to a link or sale, brands have to wonder just how “organic” all those comments are. Instead of spending time only commenting on other pod members’ photos, use the time to comment on potential followers’ photos.

Blog Titles Matter

We all know that an “engaging” title is important. But the SEO aspects of it are just as important as the catchiness of your title. You want to keep your title under 70 characters so it doesn’t get cut off in search engine results. Also use strong language like “love” or “hate” to get the most website clicks.

Share Your Blogging Tips

I always believe that bloggers should share knowledge and stories with each other. I’d love for you to share your blogging tips with me in a comment below! It’s never hurt anyone to help someone else!

dallas fashion blogger

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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

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