About Me

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Liz and I live in Dallas, Texas with my fiance, cat named Petunia, and dog named Haley. We moved to Dallas 3 years ago and have made our home here! 

By day, I’m a marketing manager at a holdings company. After 5pm, I’m a blogger and wine drinker! You’ll find wedding tips, affordable style, and mental health discussions on my blog!

Follow me on Instagram, Bloglovin’, and Facebook for updates and little peeks inside my life! Thanks for following!

navy blue sweater

192 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi there you recently liked a post of mine all about vogues covers? I was just wondering how you found my blog as I’m always looking for ways to branch out to people, love your blog! Have lovely day 🙂


  2. Thank you. I know it’s not your forum here, so I won’t intrude on your audience, but if anyone ever has any questions or would like some information, I’d be happy to try my best to help find an answer.


  3. Hi, Liz! I’m a newcomer here, and looking forward to visiting with you and your blog! I’m not a shopper but can appreciate style, fashion, design, visual arts, etc. I also love bargains, DIY, helpful tips, etc. And cats! Glad you loved my post about cats! But I usually write about serious things (Israel, etc. It’s my obsession). Here I go to look around… 🙂


      1. Same…it’s also a pet peeve of mine to see big name bloggers promoting products they probably wouldn’t even buy themselves because of the price tag! Big respect to those who keep it real!


      2. Oh my goodness yes! Or promoting products that don’t match their usual content at all. I saw one promoting Dove when she usually only uses things from high end stores.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. HI, Liz! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking the six doctors post. As a coffee drinker, I am enjoying my visit to yours. Keep up the good work!


    1. I’ve heard the Atichison store is amazing and a little cheaper than the Briar Cliff store. The owner posted my blog post on her Facebook page and people were surprised that I said it was out of my price range. Everyone said it was “affordable” so maybe I went to the wrong store!


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