Blogging: Starting Fresh


Tulips in springHappy Thursday friends! It has been over two weeks since I wrote anything and frankly I’ve been itching to start blogging again. As you can probably tell, my blog has gotten a fresh new face! The installation and design of it has taken roughly 3 months and the blog had to be disabled for a few weeks so that my web designer could implement the changes.

This change has been in the works for over a year, it just took me a little kick in the butt to get started. It’s a massive undertaking and an expensive one! However, every article I read and professional blogger I talked to said that if you want to take your blog to the next level, you need a customized website. I spent several months scouring the web trying to find someone who could do a beautiful job and do it on a budget.

I got the idea to look on Etsy for someone who could at least teach me how to install a new theme and find a hosting company. What I ended up getting was even better! I selected Gatto Creative Design after talking with the brilliant mind behind it- Cat. She understood what I wanted and knew everything I didn’t about web design. Better yet, her prices were well within my budget!

After hiring her, it was several weeks of going back and forth over what I wanted in terms of features and color schemes. She helped me choose colors that would work together and look professional. Before the overhaul, my blog looked rather generic and didn’t do much to showcase my writing or personality. Now, I feel like it captures everything I love and gives me a new start on my blogging adventure.

Like many fashion/lifestyle bloggers, I blog because its fun but I also aim to make a living doing it someday. The scariest part of that statement is the “make a living” part. I have no idea if that dream will ever come true, but everyday I wake up and try harder than the last so I have a fighting chance. I hope you do the same! Enjoy the new design! Leave me comment with your thoughts!


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I'm a Dallas fashion and mental health blogger! I love sharing affordable styles anyone can wear and also sharing mental health topics so people don't feel so alone.

13 thoughts on “Blogging: Starting Fresh”

  1. Your blog is gorgeous! This is my first time visiting and I can tell how much you love what you are doing! I just started a blog after years of feeling like I wanted to, but being too afraid of people thinking I was stupid, ha! I finally decided I don’t care what anyone else thinks, I want to write about stuff! Ha! I wish you luck with your blog and have a great time doing it!!!
    PS I LOVE those tulips!!!


    1. Thanks, Kathleen! You are so sweet! It means a lot that you like it! I felt the same way when I started, nervous and afraid. But it’s so worth it in the end. Keep going girlie!


  2. Didn’t meet your previous blog but this one looks pretty good!
    Best of luck and hopefully i’ll read one post about you reaching your goal one day!


  3. Absolutely loving the new look! I would also love to blog as part of a part-time job – but have no idea what I’d blog about.
    Keep up the amazing work! Good things will happen πŸ™‚

    -Lor //


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